Sunday, September 26, 2010

Sukkot - The Feast of Ingathering

From the days of Moses, Sukkot was agricultural in its origin, and is a pilgrimage time when people used to walk to Jerusalem to celebrate the feast from all over the country. This is one of 3 occasions through the year where a pilgrimage to Jerusalem was happening in Israel in those days. Sukkot, a 7 day holiday was regarded as a general thanksgiving for the generosity of nature in the year that had passed and for a good rainy season for the next years crop.

Its a custom to invite people on this holiday and be a host, entertain an share the goodness of the land. Sukkot is the only holiday in Judaism where we don't have specific traditional food but it is a custom to eat fruit.

And what could be better than a freshly baked Orange cake to celebrate the holiday and bring home the smells of nature.

Orange Cake

6 Egg yolks
6 Egg whites
2 Grated Orange peels
1.5 cups of Sugar
0.5 cup of Oil
1 ts Vanilla essence
10g Baking powder
3/4 cup of fresh Orange Juice
2 cups of Plain Flour
Icing sugar for decorating

How to:
1) Heat the oven to 160c
2) Beat the Egg whites to a stiff foam
3) In a separate bowl, mix all the other ingredients together
4) Fold in gently the beaten egg whites into the mixture
5) Put into a cake pan and bake for 70 minutes
6) Eat ;)

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